Dougie and I celebrated 9 years of being married in the beginning of this month! . We always joke around and congratulate ourselves on still being married considering how many of us don’t stay married. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was getting up at 5:30 in the morning to have tea or …
I say this a lot.
I’m sorry, you are right I say this a lot. I used to have a really hard time apologizing. I used to fight, avoid and blame. My fights would drag out into hours and sometimes days. I didn’t know how to do it better. My mentor Brooke Castillo taught me to always agree …
5 Downward Dogs and 5 Cobras
“I don’t want to” was the thought that kept me from doing 5 minutes of yoga each day for months now. Until today. Yesterday I finally asked myself what was the reason I kept on NOT doing the little tiny bit of yoga I would like to do. That was my answer : is just …
1 year today!
A year ago today I started my blog!!!! Wha?!!! Whaaaaaa! I am sitting in the rental minivan and the twins are in the back literally snoring while napping. It’s our last day at the cottage with my brother, his wife and 3 kids and my parents. It has been such a good week, couldn’t wish …
Bad Moments.
Bad Moments. What if you didn’t add the “bad” to the moments. I had a bad fight with my son. I think it’s bad. Then I make it mean ‘I’m making our relationship bad’. Later that night when I’m putting him to bed I keep thinking about how I was mean to him and how …
Happy Mama, Whinny Mama
What a day! We had a great time at heritage Park with our friends who are visiting here from Hong Kong. The kids went on all the rides a few times before the line ups were there. The boys love hanging out with the 2 girls, who are around the same age as my older …
THE best job in the world!!!
You know what I just realized a few days ago???? That I literally have THE BEST job in the world – because I get to work with my friends, helping my friends ! My first clients is my friend and had been my friend for 16 years now!!!!! She was a bridesmaid in my wedding, …
What is Self-Confidence?
It is the ability and willingness to feel any feeling. You are self-confident if you are not afraid to feel • fear • failure • embarrassment • humiliation • isolation What is the worst that can happen in life? – death – loss – humiliation – divorce – decease – rejection – embarrassment What …
Perfectionists are scared people
Good morning beautiful ladies!!! Today I am writing about perfectionism as per request of one of my friends, good morning Stepanka!!! There a few things we need to know about people who want some things to be perfect. First we have to remember that their intentions are good. They think by wanting to make it perfect they …
Feeling Appreciated
(the picture here is from a few years back when I had 2 kids and haven’t yet learned to appreciate myself and all I do. I am so grateful to myself for figuring out how to appreciate myself. You can too! Can you see the look in my eye, happiness and victimhood all in one?) …