We don’t want to be liers yet we tell others what we think they want to hear and often it is not what is true for us. we want to please them and so we lie, tell them not the truth and miss an opportunity to connect with ourselves and connect with the other person. …
January 2023
50/50 Reminder
This is just a reminder for you that life is SUPPOSED to be 50% positive and 50% negative AND if you Expect it to be this way you will NOT compound the negative emotion. I invite you to NOT make it mean anything about YOU or what you are doing and move through it supporting …
“But I need to fill his needs.”
It is so easy to fall into the patter of thinking that others fill our needs and we fill their needs. In this episode you can listen to how this doesn’t actually work, it is exhausting, and impossible to actually fill anyones needs but your own. If you need any help with your relationships please sign …
When you think you don’t have time
If you believe that you are not doing something because you don’t have time then this episode is for you. I invite you to consider that another factor is actually the reason why you are not doing something. Listen to hear my own example and you can apply this to yourself and find out what …
How to get ANYTHING you want THROUGH the worst case scenario
I share how to get anything you want in your life by eliminating the last block that you have that is preventing you from getting it.I share my examples and invite you to try this approach. If you need any help please sign up for a session here https://coachingnatalia.com/schedule-an-appointment/ Here is a testimonial from one of …
“I feel like I’m going braindead.”
Hi, I’m Natalia Schneidmiller and I help women put an end to all fighting in their relationships by teaching them the tools to manage their mind so they can handle anything and everything and not let it cause a fight in their relationships. If you lost the point to life, if you are a bored, …
“Then of course this means I’m not good enough and I’m not doing it right.”
It is so, SO tempting to make conclusions like these when we become aware of our thoughts, especially thoughts that are not as useful.I share an example of a client who was shaming and blaming herself for having these thoughts. What does it mean when you have any thought- NOTHING, it doesn’t mean anything about you …
The purpose of a relationship
What is a purpose of a relationship?Is it so the other person can make us happy? Is it so that we can make them happy?I don’t think so.In this episode i offer you a different way to see the purpose of a relationship. 1. To help you grow2. To have someone to love.If you are struggling …
Water skiing and whose job is it?
Hi Im Natalia Schneidmiller and I help women put an end to all fighting in their relationships by teaching them the tools to manage their mind so they can handle anything and everything and not let it cause a fight in their relationships. In this episode i share a story about how I assumed it …
You always have a choice with worry
Hi I”m Natalia Schneidmiller and I help women put an end to all fighting in their relationships by teaching them the tools to manage their mind so they can handle anything and everything and not let it cause a fight in their relationships. In this episode I tell you a story about how I was …