Being aware of what the journey should look like will prevent you from quitting. In this episode i share with you some examples to help you not quit and keep going when things get bad. Other peoples opinions, what they are, what you can do with them and how to use then to connect with …
February 2023
How to be in more peace around being sick
We all get sick. How we react to it will determine our experience of being sick. Here i offer a peaceful way to approach sickness in yourself and your loved ones.Create peace around it will help you create a loving relationships with yourself and your son, partner, everyone around you. I am always here to …
The universe is always taking care of me
I love, love, love this thought and how useful it can be when you really believe it. I give a few examples of my own and encourage you to adopt the same in your life. I am always here to help you connect with yourself and your son, sign up for a free mini session here …
Fights can be a win/win for us if we do them right
This is what it looks like when we have already created a relationship we want AND we have a ‘fight’/ disagreement with the other person – instead of blaming, shutting down or fighting with the other person we do this:– we connect with ourselves-we connect with them-we are honest with ourselves-we can be honest with …
How to stop being annoyed with this one question
This questions is super important and is a solution to being annoying by others. There is a direct correlation between being annoyed by others AND NOT doing your business, NOT answering this one question, NOT thinking about the answer to the one question. I am always here to help you connect with yourself and your …
How to use other peoples opinions
Other peoples opinions, what they are, what you can do with them and how to use then to connect with yourself. I am always here to help you connect with yourself and your son, sign up for a free mini session here to get coached and get that amazing relationship for yourself.