Good morning beautiful ladies!!! Today I am writing about perfectionism as per request of one of my friends, good morning Stepanka!!! There a few things we need to know about people who want some things to be perfect. First we have to remember that their intentions are good. They think by wanting to make it perfect they …
May 2019
Lessons learned from my mom.
Hello friends! As you may already know every 10th post I write about lessons learned from one of my teachers. This is my 40th post and I want to share with you the lessons learned from my mom! Before I ever found a life coach and learned all the things she teaches, and read all …
Feeling Appreciated
(the picture here is from a few years back when I had 2 kids and haven’t yet learned to appreciate myself and all I do. I am so grateful to myself for figuring out how to appreciate myself. You can too! Can you see the look in my eye, happiness and victimhood all in one?) …
The Yelling Jar!
Check out this experiment i am doing with retraining my brain. I use a simple reward system that engages my primitive brain and creates a new connection in my brain every time i want to snap at my kids. Simply said: I am rewiring myself to not yell at the kids with this amazing system! …