I am grateful. For the simple joys of summer. And that is – watching my boys explore our back alley. Amongst all the amazing things we did this summer – vacations, trips, playgrounds, family visits, water fun – we found that pure and simple summer fun in something unexpected, unplanned and free – our …
August 2018
Decision Anxiety
So for my second post I decided to write about anxiety. Heavy topic – I know. Yet still here we go. As soon as I committed to this topic I started having doubts. What do I really know about anxiety? What if I don’t really know what to write about it? What if nobody …
To Yell or not to Yell?
What do I know about yelling at my kids? A lot. What I feel when I yell. I feel like I need to stop whatever is happening at any cost. If it’s a screaming kid I can yell at him to stop yelling. If it’s two fighting boys I can get in there and …