I had a total tantrum yesterday, in my head, and then later at my husband, about the same thing. I was so frustrated with finding and figuring out a template for my ebook! I expected it to be easy, fast and fun! How wrong was I!!! It was harder for me than writing a book!!!! …
I love all humans.
“I love all humans.” My coach says that sometimes. That is why I think she is so successful. I notice it when I judge people. I notice how it’s preventing me from connecting with them and helping them. I notice it when I am able to connect and love all of the human experience I …
“I know what to do but when the times comes to do it I just don’t do it.”
“I know what to do but when the times comes to do it I just don’t do it.” You don’t do it because you are reacting to your feelings in that moment. And in the moment you will never want to do what it is you decided you need to do. So here’s how I …
What Worked Well, always goes first
What worked well. WWW My coach has me do evaluations of my coaching sessions with my clients. Before I get into what didn’t work well I always start with what worked well. This has been so powerful for me to do on coaching, networking events, tennis tournaments and now that I’m seeing the results of …
Showing up!
Here’s what I see. The clients that show up for themselves get results. The clients that don’t show up for themselves don’t get results. The clients that don’t show up for themselves also struggle to show up for others. This creates a cycle of overwhelm and more of not showing up for anyone. I definitely …
Cure for ‘cancer’.
You guys, I literally feel as If I have a cure for cancer because when someone comes to me and says ‘I don’t think I have the ability to love or have good relationships’ – I CAN HELP THEM. They think it’s terminal and they are born that way and nothing can change and I …
Drops in the ocean
My mom told me long time ago when I was a kid that “all the people in our lives are like drops from the ocean, and those drops are little mirrors that show our reflections back to us”. I can see now how that has served me in my relationships. Whenever I would have a …
What if we eliminated ‘so busy’ from our vocabulary??? Whenever I tell anyone I have 4 boys, 99% of people react “wow, you must be so busy!”. Although there is definitely truth in it, I never choose to say that about my life. Why? Because I feel extremely overwhelmed when I think that and there …
You don’t HAVE to LIVE!
Did you know you don’t HAVE to do anything?? You don’t have to go to work. You don’t have to take care of your family. You DON’T have to pay taxes, contrary to popular belief. You don’t have to be a good person. You don’t have to brush your teeth. Sure, there will be consequences, …
Let’s grab a drink after work!
How are you feeling today my friend? I bet you have so much to tell me. How your weekend went, how you got some stuff done, you were tired, and now the new week is here and you still have lots to get done on your xmas list, the in laws need to know this …