I heard Natalie Clay say that on her podcast and I loved it! I completely agree. Whenever I notice myself thinking I “should” do or be something I always know to question it. The “ I should” is basically saying “I wish I was different than I am” or “they should” is saying “I wish …
I say this a lot.
I’m sorry, you are right I say this a lot. I used to have a really hard time apologizing. I used to fight, avoid and blame. My fights would drag out into hours and sometimes days. I didn’t know how to do it better. My mentor Brooke Castillo taught me to always agree …
100% worthy
I’m 100% worthy. I did not believe that. I used to beat myself up after yelling at my son. I thought I must be a horrible, horrible person. A monster. How can anyone be a good person when they get so angry at their kid. I used to be so angry at myself for yelling …
5 Downward Dogs and 5 Cobras
“I don’t want to” was the thought that kept me from doing 5 minutes of yoga each day for months now. Until today. Yesterday I finally asked myself what was the reason I kept on NOT doing the little tiny bit of yoga I would like to do. That was my answer : is just …
1 year today!
A year ago today I started my blog!!!! Wha?!!! Whaaaaaa! I am sitting in the rental minivan and the twins are in the back literally snoring while napping. It’s our last day at the cottage with my brother, his wife and 3 kids and my parents. It has been such a good week, couldn’t wish …
Bad Moments.
Bad Moments. What if you didn’t add the “bad” to the moments. I had a bad fight with my son. I think it’s bad. Then I make it mean ‘I’m making our relationship bad’. Later that night when I’m putting him to bed I keep thinking about how I was mean to him and how …
What it’s like to get coached….
I just got off the phone with my coach. Every time I meet with her I feel like I just got did something hard and a little painful but also this pain is enjoyable, if you can imagine that combination. You can only know this feeling if you have ever looked at your negative feelings …
She is Amazing
I have this friend. She is amazing. I have a few friends who are amazing but I will just tell you about one today. Here’s why. Her realm of whats possible to do is so much bigger than mine, so it always amazes me. “How can you do that ?” I always think. “Is that …
First week of work + kids at home!
Day 13 of writing every day. I don’t want to write. But here I am. What do I have to offer today? Long pause. How about this. I have my first week at home with the kids all home and me working part time! I am a bit freaked out, even though I have been …
Leave space
Tired thoughts. Spruce Meadows yesterday. We came, we saw the marching band who has been practicing in our neighbourhood for the least few weeks. I felt excited to see these high school kids perform. They have grown on me. I love seeing all the high school kids or university students who are camp leaders for …