Happy Mama, Whinny Mama

What a day! We had a great time at heritage Park with our friends who are visiting here from Hong Kong. The kids went on all the rides a few times before the line ups were there. The boys love hanging out with the 2 girls, who are around the same age as my older …

I’m over it.

I just bought my eldest some t-shirts today, size 10-12. He’s not 10 yet, 8 but you know how they are always bigger than the sizes. I wasn’t sad at all that he’s growing up, quit excited in fact.  Each stage is so fun and each age unlocks many more things we can do with …

Efed Up

Day 1 on the job and I have already messed up. Glad to have that out of the way for the rest of the summer. Now I can parent and work relaxed knowing that I am human and I have already efed up so there’s nothing to fear. The worst has already happened. Sure enough …

Leave space

Tired thoughts. Spruce Meadows yesterday. We came, we saw the marching band who has been practicing in our neighbourhood for the least few weeks. I felt excited to see these high school kids perform. They have grown on me. I love seeing all the high school kids or university students who are camp leaders for …

Saying NO

I just said no to someone. I actually said yes to them first but after a while I realized I’m not going to be fully present if I go through with it and I want to be. So I called back and said that I won’t be at my best and it’s probably not fair …

THE best job in the world!!!

You know what I just realized a few days ago???? That I literally have THE BEST job in the world – because I get to work with my friends, helping my friends ! My first clients is my friend and had been my friend for 16 years now!!!!! She was a bridesmaid in my wedding, …

Summer Planning

You really do need to plan MORE in summer and FOR summer. The bigger the chunk of ‘free’ time you have the more you have to plan. I keep saying it over and over again and I keep finding more and more proof for it. I spent almost 2 hours yesterday morning getting help from …

I trust the process of life.

For people who are anxious a lot and feel that tense feeling in their stomach, here’s what helped me a lot back when I first started out. I read Louise Hay’s book called “You can heal your life” and it changed my relationship with myself. It taught me to have my own back and to …

8 kids

Can you host a playdate without getting stressed out before and after? YEP. I just hosted a total of 8 kids (4 of which are mine), and I was cool as a cucumber all throughout the prep, the tidy up, the getting kids to help out, all throughout the time at the playground with 8 …