“This was always supposed to happen.” Is what I told my client the other day. When we have something that has happened in our life, our past and we are not happy about we tend to argue with it. But when we argue with reality we loose 100% of the time. I Love, Love, Love …
Kid wants to read my blog
Tyler just sat down beside me and wanted to be with me while I write my blog. I explained that this is grow up stuff and he’s not a grown up so therefore he needs to give me space for 15mins. I don’t think he was too impressed with these answers. But truthfully I need …
She is Amazing
I have this friend. She is amazing. I have a few friends who are amazing but I will just tell you about one today. Here’s why. Her realm of whats possible to do is so much bigger than mine, so it always amazes me. “How can you do that ?” I always think. “Is that …
My Story
It all started 6 years ago. I was brushing my toddler’s teeth while my husband rocked our 5 month old baby to sleep. It had been a long day, and a few long sleepless months. I had not yet learned to manage my feelings, nor get my 2 year old to follow my directions. Long story short, I lost …
The other day I was driving the car with my 2 toddlers in the back and one of them needed help wiping his finger. He kept asking me ‘mama wipe my finger, wipe my finger’. I explained that I’m driving and I can’t help him right now but when we stop I can help him. …
The other day my oldest son and I were discussing his day, and he said he was cold during recess at school. I asked him why, and he said it was because he only put on his sweater and not his winter jacket. Instantly, I recalled myself freezing for many, many years as a …
What to do when you did everything WRONG?!
In Life Coaching we have this concept of circumstances being completely neutral. Our thoughts about those neutral circumstances make them good or bad. For example: Last time I used this to get me out of trouble, here’s how I did it: After meeting with a friend for a coffee I spent the whole day beating …