I was talking to a friend yesterday and she reminded me of all the non business related results that I’ve created in my life.
Oh right, those. I am so focused on my business that I forgot about those.
Here are a few:
Certainty that I can figure it out.
Feeling connected with my husband. Moving towards him always.
Brave enough to create time for me and what I want, outside of kids and family. Willing to feel guilty and deal with guilt and still do it.
Enjoying my kids more than I have ever before (except for those time when I just don’t lol).
The body that I love, that I feel proud to be in. That one is probably one of the things I’m most proud of, that and my relationship wth my husband.
Proud of myself for sharing my ideas with the world, feeling exposed and vulnerable and doing it anyway.
Being understanding and accepting with my mom. Huge shift there.
My next one that I’m working on is my relationship with myself.
I feel like all the road lead there. So I’m standing at the doors of that final destination and figuring out what that looks like, loving myself and having my own back always.
So far it feels a lot like hitting my head against the door and hurting and not getting anywhere. But I feel I am close.
In fact I know it is only a decision we make in each moment – how we react to ourselves.
What non tangible results do you want for yourself?
Go get those results. Do anything necessary to get them.
It feels amazing.
P.S. Doubt it would work for you? That’s normal. Doubt is part of our survival instinct, it’s doing its job. Doubt doesn’t mean we are doing something wrong or we shouldn’t be doing it. Trust me I know. I have had doubt every step of the way and here I am with a bag full of results I have always wanted. And I still have doubts every single day. It’s normal and part of the process. So come chat with me despite your doubts, bring me your doubts. Let’s go!
P.S.S. here’s what my clients say: “Working with Natalia made my feel like I’m not just another number in the psychologist book. I felt I was finally reconnecting with myself even while having anxiety. I was able to get personal with myself. You gave me the access key to get personal with myself and understand what is going on in my brain.”