My mom says

“I LEARNED TO MAKE A DECISION AND DECIDE THAT IT’S THE RIGHT DECISION” – NINA MATVEEVA This is so powerful and straight out of my moms mouth!Can’t help it but brag she learned it from working with me:) SO good! Her testimonial coming soon!! #decisions #decide #rightone #rightdecisions #mom


Because I am. And you are too. And when you think you would be better with more discipline or less weight, it’s a lie. More patient with your kids or more loving with your mom and then you are will acceptable. Not true. You are enough already – impatient and snappy. Why? Because it FEELS …


I’m working on ‘cultivating’ being me because that is what gets me the life i want by attracting people who want my help. Yes i want to help people but i also want this for ME, helping people is FOR ME, i have fun with it, i feel good when i do it, i expand …

Life Results

I was talking to a friend yesterday and she reminded me of all the non business related results that I’ve created in my life.  Oh right, those. I am so focused on my business that I forgot about those.  Here are a few: Certainty that I can figure it out.  Feeling connected with my husband. …

“I’m right on track.”

It’s true this doesn’t come naturally to me but I do remind myself that I am not behind on where I should be in life. I am exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I should be doing, right on time. A big sigh of relief! Nowhere to rush, all is going well. Press …


Here’s a fun thing to try on this weekend. Whenever you catch yourself sharing or complaining or straight out stating a problem – add. “AND IT’S OKAY” at the end. Just try it on for fun. I am tired. And it’s okay. It’s been such a long week. And it’s okay. I’m single parenting this …