Showing: 101 - 110 of 113 Articles


How do I start working out 3 times a week? How do I learn to play tennis, squash, skating or any other sport you want to pick up? How do I build a closer connection with my spouse or kids? How do I take better care of myself? I believe it all starts with a …

Kids Art You Don’t Love!

FULL TRANSCRIPT OF THE VIDEO: Hello my friends!! I’ve recently been asked this question – How do I organize my kids art? I have a 7 and a 5 year old who keep bringing paintings home.  The two year twins aren’t old enough yet but I am ready for when they do.    So I …

What drives yours ACTIONS?

Full Transcript of the Audio: Hello my friends! Welcome to my first audio blog! I’m so excited to talk to you today and we are talking about Actions!!! What fuels your actions? Have you ever wondered why you just can’t make it to the gym sometimes or why you keep yelling at the kids? Well …

Kids vs Thoughts about Kids

One day this summer we were hanging out outside in the heat, kids playing, Doug and I talking. Doug says: “that kid just loooves the heat!” – referring to our eldest. I could not disagree more, I turned to him in shock and made sure we were talking about the same kid.  We were. In …

Marriage isn’t for wimps!

Years ago i read an article by Rachel Balducci on the topic of marriage. Essentially she said the key to a happy marriage is asking yourself this one question every day : “What can i do for my husband today?” At first i completely disagreed with her.  Back then i was still figuring out how to …

Self Care in my 30’s.

What self care looked like in my 20s: Manicure Pedicure Shopping with mom Movie Self Care in my 30s DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP. That’s it. Any other item I came up with was just another version of that. Watching your inner dialog and not allowing disrespect or criticism. Not dwelling on something stupid you did …

Licking isn’t always gross!

We are at a wedding and my son is licking the side of my arm during dinner.  I turn to my brother in law, who’s sitting across from me, and make a disgusted face referring to the licking going on at the moment.  My brother in law casually states that that’s just how he shows …