You guys! I was just reading ‘Big Magic’ By Elizabeth Gilbert. (amazing book by the way, I am LOVING it so much, i’m almost sad to be almost done.) And the coolest thing happened. She was referencing Mark Manson‘s article. Not just any article but THE article that had changed my life!!!! In this article …
Do it anyways
Happy Tuesday ya’ll! As you may know Tuesdays are my day off and today was a special edition day off! I had a photoshoot session this morning for my new business. My friend Andrea was so generous with her time and spent the morning taking professional pictures of me. We had a great time as …
What if the it’s all rigged in OUR favour?
What if we believed that the universe is working for us? Would we try to manipulate what others think about us? Would we worry so much that what others think about us is true or untrue? Would we be afraid that others think something horrible about us? Would we change how we show up in …