ur son, not reaching out, not talking to him, not initiating conversations, not planning fun trips or fun things to do with him today. If this is you you must listen to this episode.
A sock on the floor.
I make decisions quickly and strongly! The truth is that is not fully true. I would like it that to be 100 true but its not. And it’s okay. I have holidays unplanned, cars uncleaned, errands not run. And I am tired. So what? So nothing. I move on to the next task and the …
You can’t change your worthiness
My kid came home from school yesterday and said “ mama, did you know there’s nothing special ?” I said what do you mean ? He said “the only thing that’s special is us” I asked him how does he know that. He said his teacher told him that at the fire drill. If you …
Drop all your ‘shoulds’.
I heard Natalie Clay say that on her podcast and I loved it! I completely agree. Whenever I notice myself thinking I “should” do or be something I always know to question it. The “ I should” is basically saying “I wish I was different than I am” or “they should” is saying “I wish …
But it’s true!
A lot of my clients say “but it’s true!”. So what ? Does that mean you need to think that in your head over and over again ? What is the upside of thinking something that is true that is also creating frustration and resentment? None that I can see. What does serve me here …
9 years of marriage!
Dougie and I celebrated 9 years of being married in the beginning of this month! . We always joke around and congratulate ourselves on still being married considering how many of us don’t stay married. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was getting up at 5:30 in the morning to have tea or …
This is just a thought.
“This is just a thought.” Today at the school pick up I saw my friend, gave her a hug and she asked me how I am. “Shitty” I said and laughed. I was so delighted by my own happiness about feeling shitty that I surprised myself. How can I feel shitty and happy at the …
What it’s like to get coached….
I just got off the phone with my coach. Every time I meet with her I feel like I just got did something hard and a little painful but also this pain is enjoyable, if you can imagine that combination. You can only know this feeling if you have ever looked at your negative feelings …
She is Amazing
I have this friend. She is amazing. I have a few friends who are amazing but I will just tell you about one today. Here’s why. Her realm of whats possible to do is so much bigger than mine, so it always amazes me. “How can you do that ?” I always think. “Is that …