“Then of course this means I’m not good enough and I’m not doing it right.”

It is so, SO tempting to make conclusions like these when we become aware of our thoughts, especially thoughts that are not as useful.
I share an example of a client who was shaming and blaming herself for having these thoughts.
What does it mean when you have any thought- NOTHING, it doesn’t mean anything about you or how good of a person you are.
IF you are having a thought it simply means you are a HUMAN with a human brain and that the brain works wonderfully.

Review from a client: “wow for so long I wanted this and I didn’t realize I already have this good relationships with my boys, it feels good, like a relief…” – Jennifer, mom of 2 (16 and 23 years old)

If this episode speaks to you then i invite you to come and open up to me in a safe place where you can trust me with your shame and i can guide to release the shame and welcome peace and stop beating yourself up. sing up here


or email me at natalia@coachingnatalia.com

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