“I don’t know” “It’s so confusing” “There are so many options” I want to suggest you do know! You know exactly what you want and what you don’t want. You just don’t want to take action on it because you are afraid. You are either afraid of what will happen if you take action or it …
Showing up!
Here’s what I see. The clients that show up for themselves get results. The clients that don’t show up for themselves don’t get results. The clients that don’t show up for themselves also struggle to show up for others. This creates a cycle of overwhelm and more of not showing up for anyone. I definitely …
Big Decisions
If you want big results you have to be willing to make BIG decisions. Why is this important? Well because we all want something BIG and amazing in our life, but are we willing to decide to go ALL IN on it and MAKE it the right decision? The truth is I was just tested …