When someone says : “You don’t do ____”
You translate it to “I want ___”.
Instead of getting defensive, feeling critisized, attacked and lashing out, arguing, defending yourself – you can understand what the other person wants and connect with them, talk to them, give them what they want.
You can think they are so cute because they actually love it and want it when you do ____. They are just upset when you don’t do it and they haven’t figured out how to ask for it.
You don’t sing songs anymore
You don’t cook this anymore
You don’t meet me here anymore
You don’t take me to movies any more
Call me anymore
Meet me for lunch anymore
Talk to me
Watch show with me
Translate all of that to
I want ___ all those things.
Or Can you please do all those things.
OR I love it when you do all those things.
I am always here to help you connect with yourself and your son, sign up for a free mini session here to get coached and get that amazing relationship for yourself.
or email me at natalia@coachingnatalia.com