Check your facts!

In this episode i share with you a story about how my not checking the facts lead me down the road and could have ended up as a fight, but thankfully didn’t.
Here is my newly formulated mission:
Hi I’m Natalia Schneidmiller and I help women end all fighting in their relationships by teaching them the tools to manage their mind so they can handle anything and everything and not create fights in their relationships. 

Thank you so much for this wonderful review!

Best kept secret ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

“Natalia is a hidden gem. She has soooo much wisdom and it’s all practical…most of the time with same-day application. My one suggestion is that she rename the podcast because it doesn’t only apply to sons (daughters, husbands, yourself!!!). Everyone and anyone will live with more peace and joy if they follow her methods. I am living more carefree than ever before. I’ve wanted to get past overwhelmed, but all the organizing hacks don’t fix our thoughts. Thank you Natalia…I truly love you for helping me (and our family).”

Mama// via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/14/22

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