When you notice that you are worried about what other people think you need to SEE that YOU valuing their opinion is only coming from you wanting to FEEL a certain way. (Or avoiding feeling a certain way) You are trying to manipulate them to think a certain way SO that you can FEEL a certain …
May be I don’t really want this.
“May be I don’t really want this” . Our brains are sooo good at coming up with excuses that work! . Are you “not sure” if you want to start a business or write a book or do that thing you secretly want to do ? . Sometimes you may take one step closer towards …
50% shitty and 50%amazing.
My 50/50 this weekend during camping was this: The amazing 50 percent: Beautiful sunsets and landscape of the Dinosaur Provincial Park. Loved watching kids climb. Doug and I really enjoyed exploring the park and watching our kids try to climb everything (well, i was freaked out a bit, but luckily no injuries). Shitty 50%: Freezing …
Yelling is not a problem, yelling is a SYMPTOM.
“I’ve been home with the kids for 4 years. I’m not sure what to do next. I would like to contribute to my family’s income. I also don’t want to go back to the job I had before I had kids. It’s almost like I’m having an identity crisis!”. . If this is you and …