Showing: 1 - 10 of 13 Articles

Change the oil in your car

our car is your brain and your oil is your thoughts. The quality of your oil will determine how well your car engine runs.The quality of your thoughts will determine much you enjoy your life. Change the oil in your car and clean and change the thoughts in your brain regularly. Here is how you …

How WE start fights

Here is a list of fight starter thoughts and it has these things in common:1. we are not okay with ourselves2. we are not okay with our son (what he’s doing, saying, being)3. we are not okay with the situation Listen up to all the different examples i make from my life and from what …

Feeling good intolerance

Here’s a thought i heard today you might like: “I’m learning to trust the good in my life”. You know when you go to check on your kids when they are sleeping and they look so amazing and beautiful that it becomes too much for you to handle,  you get scared that something will happen …

Brains are fascinating!

I woke up this morning from a dream where I thought that my little guy was drowning! I pulled him out and it was over in seconds but that scared face coming out of the water WOKE me up early and I was so shaken up! Here’s what I find so interesting, I’m always so …


I’m working on ‘cultivating’ being me because that is what gets me the life i want by attracting people who want my help. Yes i want to help people but i also want this for ME, helping people is FOR ME, i have fun with it, i feel good when i do it, i expand …

Life Results

I was talking to a friend yesterday and she reminded me of all the non business related results that I’ve created in my life.  Oh right, those. I am so focused on my business that I forgot about those.  Here are a few: Certainty that I can figure it out.  Feeling connected with my husband. …

What am I missing here?

What am I missing here? As opposed to ‘what’s wrong with me?’ Notice how differently you would approach yourself and your day when you ask the first question. This was me this morning.  I snapped at the kids. Then I proceeded to call my husband and my friend and ask them about how THEY do …