Showing: 11 - 20 of 54 Articles

Unpleasant interactions

We’ve all had an unpleasant interaction.  “Why did this happen to me?” you must be thinking and here is an episode about what you can do with that unpleasant interaction.  I share a story of what happened to me and what I did and do in similar situations. Doing this makes all my relationships better.  …

You should be exactly THIS tired.

“I must be doing something wrong to be THIS tired! Now if only if figure out WHY i’m this tired and what i have to change then i will feel wonderful and will not be this tired.” If you have ever thought that then this episode is for you.See how i use the teachings of …

Change the oil in your car

our car is your brain and your oil is your thoughts. The quality of your oil will determine how well your car engine runs.The quality of your thoughts will determine much you enjoy your life. Change the oil in your car and clean and change the thoughts in your brain regularly. Here is how you …