Showing: 11 - 20 of 60 Articles

You should be exactly THIS tired.

“I must be doing something wrong to be THIS tired! Now if only if figure out WHY i’m this tired and what i have to change then i will feel wonderful and will not be this tired.” If you have ever thought that then this episode is for you.See how i use the teachings of …

Change the oil in your car

our car is your brain and your oil is your thoughts. The quality of your oil will determine how well your car engine runs.The quality of your thoughts will determine much you enjoy your life. Change the oil in your car and clean and change the thoughts in your brain regularly. Here is how you …

Copy/Paste TRUST

If you are struggling in one area of your life and in other areas of your life things come easily to you – try this out.  Listen up to hear some of the examples I use in my life and think about your examples from your life. 

Unsupervised Questions

We all do this. “Is this the right thing to do?” ”What if I’m wrong?” ”What if they are right?” ”What if it’s not worth it?” The list goes on and on. Ask a better question and the quality of answers will change. “If there is no right decision which one sounds more fun?” “If …

Brains are fascinating!

I woke up this morning from a dream where I thought that my little guy was drowning! I pulled him out and it was over in seconds but that scared face coming out of the water WOKE me up early and I was so shaken up! Here’s what I find so interesting, I’m always so …