Showing: 1 - 10 of 26 Articles

Feeling good intolerance

Here’s a thought i heard today you might like: “I’m learning to trust the good in my life”. You know when you go to check on your kids when they are sleeping and they look so amazing and beautiful that it becomes too much for you to handle,  you get scared that something will happen …

I’m having an identity crisis

Last night my second son asked me what I did that day (even though he was here with me the whole day lol) I listed all the things. He said ‘what else?’ I thought. I said ‘I cooked dinner…, hm, I cooked lunch… and HOLLY SMOKES I cooked breakfast TOO !! WHAT THE HECK!!!!” I …

Unsupervised Questions

We all do this. “Is this the right thing to do?” ”What if I’m wrong?” ”What if they are right?” ”What if it’s not worth it?” The list goes on and on. Ask a better question and the quality of answers will change. “If there is no right decision which one sounds more fun?” “If …

Brains are fascinating!

I woke up this morning from a dream where I thought that my little guy was drowning! I pulled him out and it was over in seconds but that scared face coming out of the water WOKE me up early and I was so shaken up! Here’s what I find so interesting, I’m always so …

My mom says

“I LEARNED TO MAKE A DECISION AND DECIDE THAT IT’S THE RIGHT DECISION” – NINA MATVEEVA This is so powerful and straight out of my moms mouth!Can’t help it but brag she learned it from working with me:) SO good! Her testimonial coming soon!! #decisions #decide #rightone #rightdecisions #mom


Because I am. And you are too. And when you think you would be better with more discipline or less weight, it’s a lie. More patient with your kids or more loving with your mom and then you are will acceptable. Not true. You are enough already – impatient and snappy. Why? Because it FEELS …