Showing: 21 - 30 of 65 Articles

Unsupervised Questions

We all do this. “Is this the right thing to do?” ”What if I’m wrong?” ”What if they are right?” ”What if it’s not worth it?” The list goes on and on. Ask a better question and the quality of answers will change. “If there is no right decision which one sounds more fun?” “If …

Brains are fascinating!

I woke up this morning from a dream where I thought that my little guy was drowning! I pulled him out and it was over in seconds but that scared face coming out of the water WOKE me up early and I was so shaken up! Here’s what I find so interesting, I’m always so …


Because I am. And you are too. And when you think you would be better with more discipline or less weight, it’s a lie. More patient with your kids or more loving with your mom and then you are will acceptable. Not true. You are enough already – impatient and snappy. Why? Because it FEELS …


I’m working on ‘cultivating’ being me because that is what gets me the life i want by attracting people who want my help. Yes i want to help people but i also want this for ME, helping people is FOR ME, i have fun with it, i feel good when i do it, i expand …

I love me anyway!

I love me anyway. . This is what I practiced all through out the Christmas break. . As my brain continued to tell me how bad I am at taking care of the kids, or being in social situations, or showing love for my husband, or stuffing my face with desert. . “I love me …

One more thing

I have added one more thing to my morning routine and it is gratitude, and already I am seeing the world through a different lense. This a moment from a dance party we have each night after dinner (while one of the boys does the dishes and I put away the food). I found myself …

I have SO much more time!

Breakthrough An amazing thing has happened ! I feel now that I have more time then ever with my little twins !!! Which is incredible considering where I started. I used to be home with them and then working part time. I took them grocery shopping with me , to their gymnastics, put them for …