Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 Articles

Brains are fascinating!

I woke up this morning from a dream where I thought that my little guy was drowning! I pulled him out and it was over in seconds but that scared face coming out of the water WOKE me up early and I was so shaken up! Here’s what I find so interesting, I’m always so …

This is just a thought.

“This is just a thought.” Today at the school pick up I saw my friend, gave her a hug and she asked me how I am. “Shitty” I said and laughed. I was so delighted by my own happiness about feeling shitty that I surprised myself. How can I feel shitty and happy at the …

I say this a lot.

I’m sorry, you are right  I say this a lot.  I used to have a really hard time apologizing.   I used to fight, avoid and blame.   My fights would drag out into hours and sometimes days.  I didn’t know how to do it better. My mentor Brooke Castillo taught me to always agree …

Kid wants to read my blog

Tyler just sat down beside me and wanted to be with me while I write my blog.  I explained that this is grow up stuff and he’s not a grown up so therefore he needs to give me space for 15mins. I don’t think he was too impressed with these answers. But truthfully I need …

The Yelling Jar!

Check out this experiment i am doing with retraining my brain.  I use a simple reward system that engages my primitive brain and creates a new connection in my brain every time i want to snap at my kids.  Simply said: I am rewiring myself to not yell at the kids with this amazing system! …

How I lost my last 17 lbs!

Hey guys ! You have asked me to write something on the BODY image and so I want to share with you how I lost my last 17 pounds!!!! After all we often think we should ‘lose weight’ or change our body in some way when we think of how our body looks. A year after …


The other day I was driving the car with my 2 toddlers in the back and one of them needed help wiping his finger. He kept asking me ‘mama wipe my finger, wipe my finger’. I explained that I’m driving and I can’t help him right now but when we stop I can help him.  …

To Yell or not to Yell?

What do I know about yelling at my kids? A lot.  What I feel when I yell.   I feel like I need to stop whatever is happening at any cost.  If it’s a screaming kid I can yell at him to stop yelling.  If it’s two fighting boys I can get in there and …